March 2, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

In everyday life i am not the type to be indecisive, as many of you all know. I am actually demanding about what I want (not one of my best qualities, and my friends love to call me Damanda for it). However, when it comes to big decisions, and I mean the big ones that effect your life, I am super indecisive.

Which is why the fact that I finally decided what I am doing this summer is a big enough deal to blog about it.

I've decided to go on a Operations summer project with Campus Crusade to Fort Collins, Colorado. It is similar to other stateside summer projects except that as our job we intern alongside Crusade staff members in our areas of interest. For me that means that I will get to work and shadow staff members who work in conference and event planning. Since this is something I am strongly considering doing after I graduate this is an excellent way to see first hand what I would be doing. If you want to know any other details about it please ask but I'm sure I'll talk more about it in future blog posts.

Its scary deciding to do this because it means raising support (ekk!). The cost of the summer is $3200, which means that I cannot pay for it myself. It comes down to trusting that God will bring in the money and provide for where he has called me. I should get used to raising support though sometime because wanting to go into full time missions means I will have to do a lot of it. I had to realize that its more than just asking people for money for a trip, its asking them to partner with you and provide for you to share God's love and word with the world. I realize I am not going to a third world country or helping cure diseases and translate Bibles, but I am still doing God's work.

One way I've decided I will try and raise some support is to do Paintings for Project. I love painting anyway, and I always have people asking for some so I figure why not use that to raise some support. I know as college students we are all pretty poor, but I would love to do a painting for you as a gift for a donation to my summer. If you want more info let me know, but I'll write another blog specifically about that soon.

Until then please pray for my summer and the support raising process.

"For the LORD your God has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the LORD your God has been with you, and you have lacked nothing."
Deuteronomy 2:7

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