June 18, 2010

we are given a choice

Last summer I was on a summer project in Santa Cruz, CA. God was my first priority there and I was reminded of it daily. I was surrounded by 62 other college students who all wanted one thing, to grow closer to God and glorify him. We worked, but only to spread God's love to coworkers. Everything we did was a mission and everywhere we went was our mission field. It was the greatest summer of my life and I grew more than I ever thought I could.

Now this summer God has kept me in Knoxville. I dont see my roommates and I dont have many friends here. I have hardly any close Christian fellowship and my family is at home. I am alone. I work full time at a job I usually complain about. I waste most of my time watching tv and reading books. Most of the time so far I am pitying myself or wondering why this had to be my summer while my friends got to go off and do exciting things.

This isnt meant to be a "woe is me" rant. This is just what it is. This is the situation I was given, but its up to me to choose my attitude about it. The Bible tells us to "Rejoice in the Lord always". Well for me during this summer, that has not been an easy task. Last summer I was handed everything, I was supported on all sides, it was almost easy. This summer I have to grow, and this summer I have to do it on my own.

So far I haven't done a great job but I hope I can turn it around and not look back on these 3 months as a summer wasted. Everywhere is our mission field, that means Knoxville, TN for me, and I shouldnt have to be on a summer project or in another city or country to think that. The Bible also says, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation". People in Knoxville need the Gospel just as much as those overseas.

Its easy to say these things, but I pray that I will really start to live them out. We are given time and opportunities, but it is our choice what we do with them. Life is short and I want to make the most of it. Because really "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes", and I want to make my life count for something more than me.

Prayers are always appreciated.
God Bless

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