January 30, 2015

The Lie I Always Believed

Do you ever think that if you make a wrong choice you will ruin your whole life? I'm not talking about what to eat for breakfast. I'm talking about "where should I go to college?", "should I be in a relationship with this person?", "should I quit my job?". Those questions. Big, life-altering questions.

I used to think that way. If I made a wrong choice I would get "off track" from God's best plan for my life. I may still end up with a good life, but it wouldn't be his best plan because I messed that up when I decided to go to College A over College B.

It paralyzed my decision making. I wouldn't take risks or accept change. I would stay stuck in bad situations for way too long. I let my fear of failure and my false idea of my own power undermine my faith in God.

Fear like that doesn't go away overnight. I am still learning about how to love the process and the journey. It's not always about the next step, sometimes it's about what God takes you through to get you there.

For a long time I thought I was alone in this belief. Recently I started hearing it more and more. Today I read an article on a popular Christian website that listed it as one of the major lies American culture feeds us daily. I would encourage you to read it but here is just a portion:

God’s plan for our lives is not always linear. This is a Western mindset, not a Biblical one. God’s direction can include branches and offsets. The path to the final destination can be achieved more than one way. 
God’s design for your life is for you to seek Him with all of your heart. When you get to a fork in the road, pray about it and then just choose a road. Stop wasting months. Stop waiting on “clarity.” Stop agonizing over whether you chose the “right” road. Just choose a road. If you are seeking the Lord, there is no wrong road.

So to those of you who thought it was only you, it's not.

Don't be afraid,